1. In Windows 8 the 'default browser' is more complicated. I like IE10 in Metro mode (Chrome just doesn't seem to fit here). But all other times I like chrome.

    At the end of the day while watching Comedy Central (via a Win8 app) or NBC News (via a Win8 app) I find myself browsing in Metro IE with way too many keystrokes to get the same page in Chrome, which has my password manager extension, Google auto-signin, mobile tab sync to iOS Chrome, etc..

    So I wrote a bridge. GIST - bookmarklet to open current IE page in Chrome using protocol handler, chrome2:// It comes in two parts: a bookmarklet, and a registry hack (.REG file) to launch Chrome. It uses powershell to remove the extra chrome2:// protocol, leaving just http:// or https://. I'm using chrome2:// as the (fake) protocol to launch chrome. The first time you use the bookmarklet you'll be asked if the page can open "chrome2://" links in a local application, but you can disable further notifications.

    WARNING: This can probably be easily hacked - it opens URLS from a powershell command line. I did my best to limit abuse, but this code is by no means guaranteed. All I can say is that I've been using it for two weeks and haven't been hacked yet.

    GIST - IE bookmarklet to open currnent page in Chrome

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  2. Lately I post most of my tech thoughts to Google Plus.

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