Why Server? I use Hyper-V, so same HW can run multiple DEV servers through MSDN license.
OK, background info done. This post is about Input Director. I wasted an hour trying to figure out why Input Director wasn't working. Windows Firewall was blocking it on the Server side.
I found this powershell commands for Windows 8 and Server 2012 that you can use to check (and disable) firewall:
Get-NetFirewallProfile | ft Name,Enabled -Auto
Remember to run Powershell elevated (as Admin) if you want to use it to change any OS settings.
This might have gotten reset when I renamed the server. I removed it from the domain and re-added it with a different name, which might have removed the 'Domain' profile from firewall. When it rejoined the domain the firewall profile for 'Domain' defaulted to 'Enabled: True'. ... Maybe.
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