I'm not sure how to approach the following technology migrations my team needs to tackle, especially planning, story weights, and customer benefit language.
- SQL 2008 R2 -> SQL 2012
- Geometry/Geography improvements
- VS 2010 -> VS 2012
- IDE Performance, integrated SL tools, improved HTML/js tools
- production .NET 4.0 -> .NET 4.5
- Hoping to see better startup performance, and use new APIs.
The following are also changes I think are needed but which I haven't sold the team on yet.
- MSTest -> xUnit
- It seems MSTest integration (like test lists) are being retired by Microsft in favor of OSS tools. A big plus (use best of breed OSS where possible) but painful in short run, as we have everything in MSTest and test lists.
- SSIS -> SQLCMD or .NET Console (FileHelper OSS DLL)
- Migrate data import/export away from SSIS (for files under 100MB).
Update 7/5/2012 5:10 PM
- Eliminate GUID PKs
- Eliminate GUID primary keys (uniqueidentifier) on all tables
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