This is one of those gems, and fortunately it is public.
My Scenario
I had a NY to FL file copy operation that was taking about 10 minutes with xcopy and pre-Win7 robocopy. The files weren't that big, but lots of small files, and one-at-a-time file copy performed horribly. Win7 introduced the /MT argument to allow 'multiple threads' to copy file simultaneously, which is exactly what I needed. But I'm not using Win7 (yet). Even better, the Win7 robocopy.exe won't run on older versions of Windows (both properly licensed). Nice. RichCopy to the rescue.RichCopy is a graphical application for Windows and will run on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It also has (cryptic) command-line options for all of the various copy options like filter by name, filter by date, and copy file attribute. RichCopy really shines when copying huge files, but if you seriously raise the threading you can also get a boost when copying lots of small files (like source code files or in this case PowerShell scripts).
I've used robocopy a lot over the years, so while its options are cryptic I found RichCopy's options even worse. To save myself time I wanted to document the options I'm using.
RichCopy.exe source destination /TD 64 /TS 32 /SC 64 /FEF *.7z
Get it here.
Gotchas / Caveats
- I was looking for a command-line tool, and this is a windows application. You can wait on the windows application (which does exit properly when given correct command-line options) using PowerShell's 'Start-Process -Wait RichCopy.exe' or in cmd.exe 'start /wait "" RichCopy.exe'.
- I wasn't getting any command-line output when passing bad command-line arguments, and while it has logging options I didn't get them to work after a couple of tries.
- RichCopy comes with a chm (compiled help) which explains all the options. But I get the feeling the author's first spoken language isn't English because the wording is clumsy. (Not that my blog writing is any good, ahem.)
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