1. I created the name 'yzorg' during a time when I was looking for a smarter organization.  I was looking for an IT management team that invested in the right tools, one that understood the power and limitations of technology, and one that understood technical debt (the slowly increasing dead weight that is inherent with very old IT systems, or broken IT systems of any age).

    yz = 'Wise' and 'Org' = Oranization.  
    YzOrg = Wise Organization.

    Now I try to build software and create teams to make whatever organization I'm in smarter.  YzOrgSoft = smart software, smart IT.

    I don't work in corporate IT anymore.  I'm currently working for a financial services company whose offerings include technology solutions.

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  2. I just did a little demo for [a coworker] today of DOS tricks I learned while at MS.  I thought I'd send out the log as a sample (with mistakes removed, <smile>).  I usually become the goto dev when someone needs a quick-n-dirty batch script, or need to know "Can DOS do X?".

    C:\Users\TracyC>echo %date:~10,4% %date:~4,2%
    2010 11

    C:\Users\TracyC>echo hi >  %date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%.txt

    C:\Users\TracyC>dir *.txt
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is B8EE-D08D

    Directory of C:\Users\TracyC

    11/24/2010  09:32 AM                 5 201011.txt
    10/01/2010  10:40 AM               210 SDK.txt
                   2 File(s)            215 bytes
                   0 Dir(s)  199,100,514,304 bytes free

    C:\Users\TracyC>set line=0123456789 ABCD 0123456789 ABCD0123456789 ABCD0123456789 ABCD0123456789

    C:\Users\TracyC>echo %line:~10,8%
    ABCD 01

    C:\Users\TracyC>echo hi > demo%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.log & dir demo*.log
    Volume in drive C has no label.
    Volume Serial Number is B8EE-D08D

    Directory of C:\Users\TracyC

    11/24/2010  09:50 AM                 6 demo20101124.log
                   1 File(s)              6 bytes
                   0 Dir(s)  199,100,379,136 bytes free

    C:\Users\TracyC>set /?
    Displays, sets, or removes cmd.exe environment variables.

    SET [variable=[string]]


    Use %~dp0 to get the full path of the current batch file.  %0 is the scriptname argument, '~dp' are modifiers to get the drive and path of that argument, %~dp0.

    Interesting FOR commands in cmd.exe :
    FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN (file-set) DO command [command-parameters]
    FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ("string") DO command [command-parameters]
    FOR /F ["options"] %variable IN ('command') DO command [command-parameters]

    Rule: always turn off 'echo' in batch files using this first line:
    @if not defined _echo echo off
    Use 'set _echo=1' before calling the script to debug it (it will echo every command)

    References: set /?, call /?, for /?, setlocal /?

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